Signature cocktails undoubtedly add a personal touch to your wedding reception. For many, deciding on which signature cocktail to serve is also another fun part of planning. It gives your guests a little glimpse into you and your soon-to-be-spouse’s tastes, and just like the decor, music, and food, signature cocktails set the tone for your big event.
When planning your wedding in Hawaii, your guests—especially out-of-town ones—will likely appreciate sampling local beer, wine, or spirits.
Though creating the perfect signature cocktail for your wedding can be almost as fun as drinking it, it can be stressful to figure out the perfect pairings. Instead of sticking to one, feel free to offer two or three, using different liquors like vodka, rum, and tequila (the crowd-pleasers).
For tequila, we recommend Kapena Tequila. Though it’s not made in Hawaii, its founder’s family is from here and is inspired by the islands—hence the brand’s Hawaiian name and locally sourced ingredients).
The Kapena Li Hing Infused Tequila and Kapena Hawaiian Chili Infused are especially appropriate for your Hawaii wedding. Here are two ideas for your signature cocktail featuring Kapena Tequila (we’ll leave the fun naming up to you):